Happy Life

Have a Laugh – It Has Health Benefits!

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It’s good news! Old-time comedian Charlie Chaplin was onto it when he said: “Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain”. He was right – laughter actually is medically good for you. A good laugh or chuckle helps us both physically and emotionally, and there are no side effects!

Image source: Unsplash.com

What?  How Can That Be?

So what are these health benefits of having a giggle and why are they so good for you?  Luckily, the many topics studied by researchers and academics are not always as dry and boring as you might imagine. Various studies over the years have shown that laughing benefits our health in relation to:

  • Mental health: To most people, it’s pretty obvious that after you laugh you feel good.  Having a sense of humor and being able to see the funny side of a situation can help you ward off depression, stress, and It’s even better when you can have a shared laugh with someone, but being able to laugh on your own is ok too!
  • Physical health: When we laugh, we increase the oxygen flow in our bodies, and release endorphins. Both of which are excellent for your heart health and overall circulation. Yes, you can, and should, be getting the same effects from regular exercise, but throw in letting loose with a hearty laugh on a regular basis and it’s a win-win.

So Help Me! I Need to Laugh!

If you’re feeling a bit stressed, unwell, or blue, it’s not always easy to find something to laugh about. There are a few things you can do though to help you along:

Image source: Unsplash.com

  • Hang out with friends and family that are funny and light-hearted
  • Watch a funny movie, TV show or cartoon
  • Read a funny article, book or comic strip
  • Listen to a funny interview or podcast
  • Reflect on times that have made you laugh in the past
  • Have your own “woohoo” moments out loud to celebrate something. For example, live in a big city and doing the daily commute? Woohoo your way down the motorway on your way home!
  • Google the “laughter movement” – nowadays there’s laughter yoga and laughter groups!

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