
Why Do Women Cheat?

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Why do women cheat? First of all, cheating takes many forms – it’s not necessarily just about sex. It can be a physical affair, it can be emotional, and it can literally only be virtual and online.

There can also be many relationship dynamics involved in infidelity. For every person cheating on their partner, there has to be another human being in the mix. Both people involved in the cheating may be in relationships with other partners. One party may be single, or on the way to being so!

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Reasons for Cheating

If someone is in a committed monogamous relationship and they have an affair with another person, then it’s fairly obvious and indicative that there are difficulties in their relationship. Some of the reasons why may include:

  • Lack of connection: If someone is feeling disconnected, neglected, or unable to relate to their partner, they may try to seek that connection they need in someone else. It could be a lack of physical or sexual contact, a lack of emotional availability, or needing more one on one time than they are having with their partner.
  • Wanting excitement: That initial spark and excitement of a new romance is seldom sustained forever. Relationships evolve over time, but regular day to day life can become mundane. In the midst of that, the seduction of a new romance can make it seem like the grass is greener elsewhere.
  • To get even: If someone has been a victim of cheating in a relationship, having an affair as revenge and payback for what has happened, may seem like a way of getting even.
  • Wanting to end the relationship: It may seem extreme that a reason why someone may have an affair is to end their relationship, but it does happen. Rather than have to explain to their partner that they want to end the relationship, an affair can give them the justification to do so.

Working it Out

The reasons women and men cheat are really much the same. Exact reasons why will depend on the individuals involved and their circumstances. Infidelity and affairs of any type are destructive and soul destroying to both parties. To keep your relationship with your partner healthy, stick to a mindset that you will communicate, care for each other’s wellbeing, and work it out if you are having problems.

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